Yayasan Warisan Johor

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The Management Division

Introduction to the management division

The Management Division is entrusted with ensuring that matters of service, staffing, and the overall management of the department are carried out in a systematic and orderly manner. In addition, it also plays a role in ensuring that the continuity of functions between each part of the department can be achieved at the maximum level in providing the best service to customers and stakeholders.

The Management Division also contributes significantly to the preservation and conservation of heritage, art, and culture in order to maximise the positive effects and impacts of its programmes on the community. As a result, proper human capital development is essential to achieving all departmental goals and ensuring that Johor continues to advance as a state in the future.



Improve the quality and productivity of the organisation through efficient administrative management.

Create future leaders of high calibre who are visionary and possess spiritual fortitude, mental acumen, and physical stamina.



The implementation of work procedures will be strengthened through sustainable work processes in accordance with good governance practises by giving priority to one service and one delivery of effective information management to clients.

Improving the quality of financial reporting by prioritising the characteristics of information accuracy and integrity evidence by orienting technology systems towards effective information dissemination.

Prioritising the development of human capital that has a positive impact towards improving skills, innovating, being creative, and aspiring to a prudent work ethic.

The Management Division


Developing human resources in terms of knowledge, expertise, and attitude to improve the quality of work.

Providing an organised, complete, and up-to-date administrative and training management system.

Fostering a productive workplace that is cosy, sociable, effective, and honest in carrying out tasks with discipline.

Providing high-tech management in achieving competitive and advanced management.

  • Developing human resources in terms of knowledge, expertise, and attitude to
    improve work quality.
  • Providing a regular, complete, and updated administration and training
    management system.

  • Providing a comfortable, friendly, efficient, and honest work environment in
    carrying out tasks with discipline.

  • Strengthening the implementation of work procedures through established
    processes according to good administrative practices by prioritising efficient
    information management and delivery of services to customers.

  • Improving the quality of financial reporting by prioritising accuracy and integrity
    of information and technology-oriented systems towards effective dissemination
    of information.

  • Prioritizing human capital development that has a positive effect on enhancing
    skills, innovating, being creative, and striving for an ethical work ethic.

Asset and ICT unit
  • Planning, coordinating, and monitoring the management of movable and immovable assets of Yayasan Warisan Johor.
  • Ensure that the management of Procurement, Government Movable Assets and Stores in the department is carried out efficiently and effectively and complies with the regulations set out in the Malaysian Treasury Circular AM 1.1 Government Asset Management.
  • Provide technological management in achieving competitive and advanced management.

Financial unit
  • Manage financial resources in accordance with the applicable laws, rules, and policies, as well as the resource allocation procedure.
  • Create a financial management system that is accurate, thorough, efficient, and prudent in all financial and accounting aspects.
  • Make payments for services and supplies systematically.

Technical and maintenance unit
  • Planning and carrying out successful physical development.
  • Manage and coordinate asset and infrastructure maintenance efficiently and effectively.
  • Provide the best customer-friendly asset facility services.

Yayasan Warisan Johor|The Management Division

Kompleks Warisan Sultan Abu Bakar,
Lot 888, Jalan Sungai Chat, 80100, Johor Bahru.

+6 07-221 3148

+6 07-223 4355


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